High Resolution optometrist vision therapy comprehensive exam lazy eye logo eye colorful vision success story testimonial patient success story andrea high resolution kelly support specialist vision test test fly stereo stereo acuity randot happy holidays vivid vision data page stats optometry AAOpt american academy of optometry AAO manish gupta covd demo customer support vivid vision home support team customer service virtual reality Pia Amblyopia Picture book Story book esotropia amblyopia strabismus vergence disorders exotropia divergence excess strabismic refractive techcrunch press buzz media game eye teaming double vision diplopia reading problem vision problem see an optometrist symptom I HEART VT Ben Backus vvp visual field data report color colors color scheme Spacial Awareness Visual Processing markdown reference github vive vr vive headset htc vive vr htc vr htc vive zach fuchs ucsf study virtual reality vision therapy vr Vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device vision treatment Vivid Vision Seevividly vision care device eric medine head shot portrait team Chief Science Officer knowledge base launcher breaker triangle visions optometry vivid vision provider north carolina kernersville gizmodo Vivid Vision Optometry DPVR Vivid Vision Home refractive amblyopia headaches patching ring runner space screenshot screen Nova Vision Therapy Center Optometrist Vision Therapy Ohio Vivid Vision provider Monica Fehrs VRVT Technical Specialist blog faq certified provider voices stevenson jones opticians cover test intermittent home vivid vision clinical instructions hypotropia viethmuller horopter brain cto Tuan Tran OD conference crossed eye childrens vision squint strabismus surgery WOW Vision Therapy northwestern congress research product product shot eye patch eye patching medical eye patch types of eye patch bundle computer leap motion xbox controller touchscreen chart snellen acuity visual acuity Ponzo illusion depth perception monocular cues cafe wall illusion geometricaloptical depth 3d optical illusion kelli VRVT figure ground organization gestalt psychology illusion Alan Purdy Game Engine Expert software hardware oculus rift clinic featured doctor vivid vision home version Impossible object blivet widget devils fork vision therapy doctor system worth 4 dot worth four dot w4lt binocular vision suppression eye examination default events