Many people have difficulty reading, using their phone, or using the computer. It might be convergence insufficiency!

Do you have trouble reading on your phone?

Many people have difficulty reading, using their phone, or using the computer. It might be convergence insufficiency!

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Strabismus and amblyopia are both binocular vision disorders.

Strabismus vs Amblyopia vs Convergence Insufficiency

Strabismus and amblyopia are both binocular vision disorders.

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How to fix a lazy eye

There are many options for treatment, including eye patching, atropine drops, vision therapy, surgery, and eye exercises. There's also VR vision therapy.

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Despite experiencing some temporary cosmetic alignment from the surgeries Andrea continued to have double vision, general eye-strain, and occasional dizziness.

Vision Therapy Success Stories: Andrea

Despite experiencing some temporary cosmetic alignment from the surgeries Andrea continued to have double vision, general eye-strain, and occasional dizziness.

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I am a 35-year-old graduate student at Johns Hopkins University. My story of misdiagnosis and the resulting emotional distress started when I was a child. I was born with a slight lazy eye (strabismus) and had three serious concussions as a child from falls.

Vision Therapy Success Stories: Amanda

I am a 35-year-old graduate student at Johns Hopkins University. My story of misdiagnosis and the resulting emotional distress started when I was a child. I was born with a slight lazy eye (strabismus) and had three serious concussions as a child from falls.

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Emilia developed an eye turn at three years old and was diagnosed with amblyopia. Luckily, their optometrist provided home vision therapy options, including Vivid Vision, to help Emilia progress after surgery.

Vision Therapy Success Stories: Emilia

Emilia developed an eye turn at three years old and was diagnosed with amblyopia. Luckily, their optometrist provided home vision therapy options, including Vivid Vision, to help Emilia progress after surgery.

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