Ambiguity of Direction illusion depth perception vividly aware newsletter High Resolution vivid vision home version vr vision therapy high resolution Vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment Vivid Vision Seevividly vision care device vivid vision clinical product shot optometry Monica Fehrs VRVT Technical Specialist comprehensive eye exam figure ground organization gestalt psychology bundle computer leap motion xbox controller touchscreen sensor replacement crossed eye childrens vision squint patient success story strabismus surgery WOW Vision Therapy certified provider vivid vision provider vision therapy doctor success story testimonial reading problem convergence insufficiency phone trouble reading Pia Amblyopia Picture book Story book logo aminaweed vrvt visiontherapist fixinglazyeye data page animation stats Hardware customer success customer support jordan jordan braunstein wired the verge time time magazine the huffington post tech crunch fast company cnbc sun vision specialist visagraph results reading lazy eye stevenson jones opticians vivid vision home patching headaches markdown reference github pc rift box art small 3D vision remote vision therapy Hering illusion geometrical optical Ewald Hering Christenson Vision Care Vision Therapy Optometrist Hudson Wisconsin product home blog faq covd demo manish gupta gesture tracking vision therapist COVT gift clinical update nathan bonilla warford nathan bonillawarford birght eyes vision care bright eyes od optometrist stereovision 3d vision susan barry stereo sue fixing my gaze vivid vision clinical titmus fly test stereopsis test suppression test vectograph binocular vision alan purdy unity programmer viewpoint virtual reality stereopsis dennis quaid FOX Business News press release documentary commercial default Ben Backus Chief Science Officer viethmuller horopter brain CE Mark Europe Regulation julia andrea eye tracking test intermittent exotropia cover test James Blaha vrvt diplopia apollo vr blog header logos news media knowledge base add a user launcher clinic Vivid Fusion dashboard interface optometric eye patch medical eye patch vividvisionhome licensespecial 6for4 see an optometrist symptoms Sue Barry barry sue Boulder Colorado Boulder Valley Vision Therapy Tuan Tran Virtual reality vision therapy