Blog Posts Tagged With Vivid Vision

A Guide to VR Headset Hygiene
Written by Tuan Tran on March 9, 2020
Ready, Set, Oculus GO!
Written by Kelin on January 9, 2019
An Apology and Correction
Written by James Blaha on May 27, 2016
Vivid Vision Update - June 2015
Written by James Blaha on June 9, 2015
The Doctor Locator is Now Live!
Written by James Blaha on May 28, 2015
Vivid Vision at COVD
Written by James Blaha on April 14, 2015
Patch v0.72 is out for Mac and Win!
Written by James Blaha on March 30, 2015

Images Tagged With Vivid Vision

viewpoint image - wow vision therapy viewpoint with dennis quaid vivid vision see vividly virtual reality optometry lazy eye stereovision amblyopia vision training high resolution
Viewpoint Image
viewpoint header - viewpoint vivid vision virtual reality lazy eye stereopsis vision therapy optometry dennis quaid fox business news press release documentary commercial high resolution
Viewpoint Header
Teen with Strabismus - strabismus crossed eye vision therapy vivid vision childrens vision squint patient success story strabismus surgery wow vision therapy high resolution
Teen With Strabismus
Infant Strabismus - strabismus crossed eye pediatric optometry vision therapy vivid vision childrens vision squint patient success story strabismus surgery high resolution
Infant Strabismus
Hanah Success Story - virtual reality vision therapy vivid vision patient success story patient testimonial strabismus crossed eye vivid vision home wow vision therapy high resolution
Hanah Success Story
Daniel Nash OD - doctor optometry vision therapy vivid vision
Daniel Nash, OD
Mamiko Sy Optometrist - optometrist vision therapy qcph vision rehab and development quezon city philippines vivid vision
Mamiko Sy, Optometrist
Gregory Kitchener OD - gregory kitchener optometrist vision therapy vivid vision cincinnati ohio
Gregory Kitchener, OD
Maxime Huard Optomtriste Fonctionnel - optometrist france vision therapy vivid vision optomtriste fonctionnel
Maxime Huard, Optométriste Fonctionnel
Liz Mueller Optometrist - eyecare plus altona australia vision therapy vivid vision optometrist
Liz Mueller, Optometrist
Christenson Vision Care logo - christenson vision care vision therapy optometrist vivid vision hudson wisconsin
Christenson Vision Care Logo
vivid vision set up - vivid vision set up high resolution
Vivid Vision Set Up
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Customer Support Header
kelly blog post  - vivid vision support team blog post customer support virtual reality vivid vision home vision therapy high resolution
Kelly Blog Post
hand washing image - blog blog header image vivid vision keep clean cleaning your head set oculus high resolution
Hand Washing Image
vivid vision map feb 2020 - vivid vision vision therapy vision therapy near me find a doctor map high resolution
Vivid Vision Map Feb 2020
keenan success story image - vision therapy success story testimonial amblyopia lazy eye esotropia headaches patching vivid vision high resolution
Keenan Success Story Image
lincoln success story image - vision therapy success story testimonial amblyopia lazy eye refractive amblyopia headaches patching vivid vision home vivid vision high resolution
Lincoln Success Story Image
lincoln success story blog VT - vision therapy success story testimonial amblyopia lazy eye refractive amblyopia headaches patching vivid vision home vivid vision high resolution
Lincoln Success Story Blog VT
lincoln success story blog VT - vision therapy success story testimonial amblyopia lazy eye refractive amblyopia headaches patching vivid vision home vivid vision high resolution
Lincoln Success Story Blog VT
lincoln success story blog image - vision therapy success story testimonial vivid vision refractive amblyopia lazy eye headaches car sickness eyestrain patching vivid vision home
Lincoln Success Story Blog Image
lincoln success story blog header - vivid vision testimonial success story vision therapy amblyopia refractive amblyopia childrens vision michigan vision therapy
Lincoln Success Story Blog Header
bullseye game image - bullseye vivid vision stereopsis new game update vision therapy high resolution
Bullseye Game Image
Bullseye activity header - vision therapy vivid vision stereopsis 3d vision depth perception lazy eye amblyopia strabismus convergence insufficiency exotropia esotropia high resolution provider gallery
Bullseye Activity Header
vision therapy for adults - vivid vision vision therapy adult lazy eye lazy eye amblyopia strabismus convergence insufficiency binocular vision suppression
Vision Therapy For Adults
Magic Eye - magic eye random dot stereogram autostereogram vivid vision high resolution
Magic Eye
clayton vision therapy success story blog photo - vision therapy success story testimonial childrens vision patching strabismus amblyopia lazy eye strabismus surgery atropine vivid vision high resolution
Clayton Vision Therapy Success Story Blog Photo
Vivid Vision Certified Provider - vivid vision seal of approval certified provider
Vivid Vision Certified Provider
Happy Holidays from Vivid Vision - happy holidays vivid vision high resolution
Happy Holidays From Vivid Vision
Vivid Vision Home - product product shot vivid vision home vivid vision home
Vivid Vision Home
Vivid Vision Home - product product shot vivid vision home vivid vision home
Vivid Vision Home
Vivid Vision Home - product product shot vivid vision home vivid vision home
Vivid Vision Home
Vivid Vision Home - product product shot vivid vision home vivid vision home
Vivid Vision Home
Vivid Vision Home - product product shot vivid vision home vivid vision home
Vivid Vision Home
importanceofeyeexamsimage4 - importance of eye exams vivid vision
From the Importance of Eye Exams blog post image 3 - importance of eye exams vivid vision
From The Importance Of Eye Exams Blog Post Image 3
From the Importance of Eye Exams blog post image 2 - importance of eye exams vivid vision
From The Importance Of Eye Exams Blog Post Image 2
From the Importance of Eye Exams blog post - importance of eye exams vivid vision
From The Importance Of Eye Exams Blog Post
Vivid Vision - vivid vision girl shumaker rift high resolution
Vivid Vision
Zoom Backround - zoom shumaker girl vivid vision virtual reality amblyopia strabismus high resolution
Zoom Backround
Vivid Vision Clinical - vivid vision clinical product shot optometry vision therapy high resolution
Vivid Vision Clinical
Vivid Vision Clinical - vivid vision clinical product shot optometry vision therapy high resolution
Vivid Vision Clinical
How Vivid Vision Works - vivid vision infographic dichoptic
How Vivid Vision Works
Cris Miranda demoing Vivid Vision in Toledo Spain - vivid vision vr vision therapy see vividly high resolution
Cris Miranda Demoing Vivid Vision In Toledo, Spain
Dr. Tuan Tran and Manish Gupta on stage  - src melbourne vivid vision see vividly vr vision therapy high resolution
Dr. Tuan Tran And Manish Gupta On Stage
James Blaha demoing Vivid Vision - james blaha vivid vision seevividly vision therapy vrvt diplopia apollo vr high resolution
James Blaha Demoing Vivid Vision
Dr.Tran and Dr. Dornbos - vivid vision diplopia seevividly michigan state special olympics high resolution
Dr.Tran And Dr. Dornbos
A patient and Doctor at the UVEA MediKlinik in Martin Slovakia - uvea uvea mediklinik vivid vision vivid vision europe high resolution
A Patient And Doctor At The UVEA MediKlinik In Martin, Slovakia
Alan Purdy - alan purdy vivid vision unity programmer high resolution
Alan Purdy
Ken Nichols - ken nichols vivid vision intern high resolution
Ken Nichols
Dr. Shumaker - shumaker rising star optometry rift vivid vision high resolution
Dr. Shumaker
Tuan Tran OD - tuan tran od optometrist conference vivid vision high resolution
Tuan Tran, OD
Manish demos VV  - manish gupta vivid vision virtual reality vision therapy amblyopia treatment high resolution
Manish Demos VV
James Blaha demoing VV in Australia - vivid vision diplopia seevividly high resolution
James Blaha Demoing VV In Australia
James Blaha demoing Vivid Vision - james blaha vivid vision seevividly vision therapy vrvt diplopia apollo vr
James Blaha Demoing Vivid Vision
Dr. Tuan Tran conducting demos - tuan tran vivid vision virtual reality vision therapy high resolution
Dr. Tuan Tran Conducting Demos
Manish demoing VV - manish gupta vivid vision virtual reality vision therapy amblyopia treatment high resolution
Manish Demoing VV
Manish using VV - manish gupta vivid vision virtual reality vision therapy amblyopia treatment high resolution
Manish Using VV
James Blaha Time photo - james blaha vivid vision seevividly vision therapy high resolution
James Blaha Time Photo
Vivid Vision Bundle - vivid vision bundle system high resolution
Vivid Vision Bundle
Dr. Tran in London for BABO - babo vivid vision tuan tran vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment
Dr. Tran In London For BABO
Dr. Paul Harris - dr paul harris high resolution vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Dr. Paul Harris
Vivid Vision - vivid vision mary vanhoy eyes 4 wellness high resolution
Vivid Vision
Tuan and James in Sydney 2016 - tuan tran james blaha vivid vision virtual reality vision therapy high resolution vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly v
Tuan And James In Sydney 2016
Tuan and Sally Doyle - tuan tran vivid vision virtual reality vision therapy vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Tuan And Sally Doyle
James demoing in Australia  - james blaha vivid vision seevividly vision therapy high resolution vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care devi
James Demoing In Australia
Manish in Colorado 2016 - manish gupta vivid vision virtual reality vision therapy amblyopia treatment high resolution vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment
Manish In Colorado 2016
Tuan in Colorado - tuan tran vivid vision virtual reality vision therapy high resolution vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care de
Tuan In Colorado
Stereo Sue - susan barry vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Stereo Sue
Susan Barry - vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Susan Barry
Howard Rose  - deepstreamvr howard rose  high resolution vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Howard Rose
Dr. Paul Harris - paul harris covd oep high resolution vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Dr. Paul Harris
Dr. Tran Demoing at AOA - vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Dr. Tran Demoing At AOA
Team VV at AOA 2016 - aoa optometrys meeting vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Team VV At AOA 2016
Dr. Paul Harris - paul harris vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Dr. Paul Harris
Dr. Susan Barry - susan barry stereo sue vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Dr. Susan Barry
Map of clinics as of June 2016 - vivid vision high resolution vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Map Of Clinics As Of June 2016
Sneak peak of the home version - vivid vision home version vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Sneak Peak Of The Home Version
Dr. Susan Barry - stereo sue fixing my gaze susan barry vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Dr. Susan Barry
Vivid Vision Vs Others  - vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Vivid Vision Vs Others
Zach Fuchs demoing Vivid Vision - zach fuchs ucsf study virtual reality vision therapy vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Zach Fuchs Demoing Vivid Vision
team VV at COVD - vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
James and Tuan at COVD seminar - vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
James And Tuan At COVD Seminar
Jordan and Manish at COVD 2016 - vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Jordan And Manish At COVD 2016
Ring Runner - games ring runner software vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Ring Runner
Amina Weed - vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Amina Weed
Dr. Nathan BonillaWarford - vr vision therapy high resolution vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device amblyopia strabismus vision treatment vivid vision seevividly vision care device
Dr. Nathan Bonilla-Warford
Hoopie Preview - preview hoopie screenshot game vivid vision high resolution
Hoopie Preview
Doctor Locator - doctor locator clinic optometry vivid vision high resolution
Doctor Locator
Ring Runner - ring runner space vivid vision screenshot screen high resolution
Ring Runner
Breaker - breaker screenshot vivid vision high resolution
Diplopia is now Vivid Vision - diplopia vivid vision logo
Diplopia Is Now Vivid Vision
Breaker Screen - breaker screenshot leap motion vivid vision high resolution
Breaker Screen
Breaker Screen - breaker screenshot vivid vision high resolution
Breaker Screen
Ring Runner - ring runner space vivid vision screenshot screen high resolution
Ring Runner
Vivid Vision for Amblyopia Box and Bundle - vivid vision amblyopia bundle computer leap motion xbox controller touchscreen high resolution
Vivid Vision For Amblyopia Box And Bundle
Vivid Vision - vivid vision amblyopia bundle computer leap motion xbox controller touchscreen
Vivid Vision
VVA Box Big - vivid vision amblyopia box software
VVA Box Big
Vivid Vision Circle - logo vivid vision high resolution
Vivid Vision Circle
Logo Small - logo small vivid vision
Logo Small
VV Bundle - vivid vision bundle high resolution
VV Bundle
Logo - vivid vision logo png transparent high resolution
The Vivid Vision Bundle and Software - software vivid vision bundle hardware leap motion xbox controller oculus rift touchscreen high resolution
The Vivid Vision Bundle And Software
The Bundle - vivid vision amblyopia bundle computer leap motion xbox controller touchscreen
The Bundle
VVS Box - vivid vision amblyopia
Vivid Vision Software - software box vivid vision
Vivid Vision Software
Color Scheme - color colors vivid vision color scheme
Color Scheme
Small Logo - vivid vision small logo
Small Logo
Vivid Vision Logo  Banner - vivid vision logo high resolution
Vivid Vision Logo - Banner
Vivid Vision Logo - vivid vision logo circle high resolution
Vivid Vision Logo

Find a Vivid Vision Provider

Over 483 Vivid Vision Providers prescribe virtual reality alongside patching and vision therapy to treat your lazy eye. Sign up through our doctor locator to see if Vivid Vision is right for you.

  • Eye Problems
  • Ptosis
  • Binocular Vision
  • Vision Tests
  • Suppression Tests
  • Worth 4 Dot
  • Tests of Stereopsis
  • Cover Test
  • Definitions
  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Blurry Vision
  • Reading Problems
  • Eye Strain
  • Driving Problems
  • Headaches
  • Suppression
  • Double Vision
  • Motion Sickness and Car Sickness
  • Pias Vision
  • Visual Skills
  • Visual Tracking
  • Visual Fixation
  • Stereopsis
  • Depth Perception
  • Visual Accommodation
  • Visual Requirements for Baseball
  • Visual Requirements for Pilots
  • Reading
  • Foundational Reading Skills
  • Vision and Learning
  • Fusion
  • Convergence and Divergence
  • Reading Skills
  • Visual Processing
  • Lazy Eye
  • History of Lazy Eye
  • Convergence Disorders
  • Convergence Insufficiency
  • Exophoria
  • Esophoria
  • Medical Terms
  • Accommodation Disorders
  • Accommodative Esotropia
  • Accommodative Insufficiency
  • Amblyopia
  • Lazy Eye in Adults
  • Strabismic Amblyopia
  • Refractive Amblyopia
  • Anisometropia
  • Critical Period
  • Strabismus
  • Anomalous Retinal Correspondence
  • Transient Strabismus
  • Exotropia
  • Esotropia
  • Hypotropia
  • Hypertropia
  • Lazy Eye Treatments
  • Optometric Vision Therapy
  • Eye Exercises
  • Pencil Pushups
  • Brock String
  • Vision Therapy
  • Sports Vision
  • Virtual Reality
  • Red Green Glasses
  • Vision Therapy for Adults
  • Vision Therapy Apps
  • Vectograms
  • Eye Drops for Amblyopia
  • Strabismus Surgery
  • Eye Patching
  • Prism Glasses
  • Dichoptic Training
  • Binasal Occlusion
  • Reading
  • Research
  • VR Research
  • Glaucoma
  • Glaucoma Tests and Diagnostics
  • Visual Field Testing
  • Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
  • Eye Pressure
  • Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma
  • Congenital Glaucoma
  • Glaucoma in Dogs
  • Glaucoma Symptoms
  • Glaucoma Treatment
  • Glaucoma Surgery
  • Glaucoma Eye drops
  • New Treatment Technology
  • Glaucoma Prevention
  • Intraocular Pressure
  • How Do You Get Glaucoma
  • How Glaucoma Affects Vision