Glaucoma usually has no obvious symptoms in its early stages. As a result, many people don't know that they have glaucoma until vision loss has progressed considerably. The most common symptom is seeing halos around lights, particularly at night or when looking at bright lights. Some other signs that someone may have glaucoma are:

  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive tearing
  • Red eyes or swollen eyes
  • Tearing up during or after reading
  • Narrowing of the vision field
  • An eyelid that feels sensitive or heavy
  • Loss of peripheral vision
  • Reduced eye movement
  • Pain from the eye

These symptoms are not a definite sign of glaucoma but if they persist or occur often, it is advised to visit the optometrist for an eye exam.

Many people do not develop symptoms for many years, but the condition can still cause damage. It may be possible to slow or stop the progression of glaucoma by diagnosing and treating it early. More severe vision loss will likely occur if treatment is delayed.

What is the first sign of glaucoma?

Every person with glaucoma experiences a wide variety of symptoms depending upon which eye is affected, the extent of the glaucomatous damage, the type of glaucoma and where in the visual pathway the damage has occurred.

The different forms of glaucoma can be divided into two main types: Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG) and Closed Angle Glaucoma (CAG).

The first symptom that patients tend to notice is usually a change in their vision, although this is often very subtle and goes unnoticed until the disease is well advanced. While it is important that patients who are concerned about their sight are encouraged to see an eye doctor, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what the first symptom of glaucoma is without carrying out a comprehensive examination.

Often, in the early stages of glaucoma, patients will notice that things seem to be getting blurred. This can result in difficulty reading small text, driving at night and even difficulty carrying out routine tasks such as doing the weekly shopping.

As the disease progresses, it often becomes difficult to distinguish between shades of color. Many people have reported that colors seem paler or appear to have lost their definition.

A significant number of people with glaucoma also complain that their peripheral vision is being compromised. Some glaucoma patients also experience eye strain, irritation and discomfort due to the fact that the enlarged eyeball has encroached upon the cornea and is putting pressure on the muscles in the front of the eye. This is what is known as hypertensive glaucoma.

Other signs of glaucoma

When do you know you have glaucoma? These are the first signs of glaucoma and they are often the only sign before it is too late. They should be taken seriously as soon as they are seen.

Treatment is very difficult and there is no treatment once vision is lost. Some of the other signs you may develop Glaucoma is not a disease like arthritis, it does not necessarily hurt. Short Answer You might be suffering from normal tension glaucoma if it bothers you, or if you're under 40. Don't assume it's old age causing the vision loss if you're under 40.

It can be so annoying that you'll go for years without seeing a doctor because it just bothers you for a short time and then it's gone.

Other signs are red eye with blood, as high pressure in the eye causes the veins in your eyes to get abnormally large and bleeding. Or the vision may be blurred, fuzzy, or there may be spots. Don't take these signs lightly.

People with Glaucoma sometimes have good sight in one eye, but lose sight in the other.

If this happens to you, please get a checkup right away, as you may have early Glaucoma.

What does glaucoma feel like?

Glaucoma is a chronic disease that damages the optic nerve, resulting in a slow, painless loss of vision. Glaucoma is more commonly known as a "blindness" disease, but most people with glaucoma are able to live a relatively normal lifestyle. You are at greater risk for developing glaucoma if you have a family history of glaucoma, or if you are older, African-American, Hispanic, Asian, or have had diabetes for a long time.

There are several different types of glaucoma that may cause slightly different symptoms, but the most common type of glaucoma is called open-angle glaucoma, which causes no noticeable symptoms until the later stages, when vision is severely impaired.

So what does glaucoma vision look like?

Glaucoma vision is very hard to identify by someone who isn't highly trained in vision. So unless you are a health care professional with training in vision, don't look for glaucoma vision. Glaucoma vision may be hard to identify even by your doctor, so don't put undue pressure on them to be sure they detect it when you visit.

Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease, meaning that over time, vision deteriorates progressively and slowly. This process takes many years, and sometimes decades, to progress to the point where you will notice it. So there may be no glaucoma vision 10 years from now, 20 years from now, or 40 years from now.

Glaucoma is associated with a myriad of changes to vision. We don't know why or how many of these changes are linked to glaucoma, but we do know that they are all a part of the disease process, and none of them means that you have glaucoma. Nor does any of them imply that you don't.

Glaucoma is one of many conditions that cause vision loss, including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and many others. The symptoms of glaucoma are vision loss and changes in normal vision. Sometimes this vision loss is due to eye pressure, and sometimes this vision loss is due to nerve damage. Vision loss and changes in vision are often subtle and may be undetected by most people without expert eye exams. It is not unusual for people to have glaucoma and never know it. While it is very important to get a dilated eye exam to rule out glaucoma, you should also know that it can be helpful to ask your doctor for help in detecting the changes to vision you might be experiencing due to glaucoma.

Glaucoma vision loss is usually a gradual process. Over time vision loss may happen so slowly that you don't notice it. While you may have noticed some changes, you may not realize that these changes are due to glaucoma.

However, as a general rule: if you notice any changes in your vision, ask your doctor if it might be due to glaucoma.

What are the symptoms of cataracts and glaucoma?

This question is about two specific eye conditions: cataracts and glaucoma. They are both quite serious, and it is important to learn how to recognize them, so you can seek help sooner rather than later.


Cataracts are a medical condition that affect the eye. They cause clouding or loss of the eye's natural lens. If you have a cataract, the clouded or foggy lens that sits behind your pupil cannot bend light the way it should, making it hard for you to see clearly. This means you cannot tell the difference between dark and light, or between colors. This causes everything to look dull, muted and yellowish, even the light coming in from the sun. You might notice that your eyeglasses don't seem to be helping any more. This is often one of the earliest signs of a cataract.

There are many different types of cataracts, but they all start from the same thing -- normal aging. Cataracts are very common in the U.S., and they tend to affect all of us by age 70. It is the most common cause of blindness in the world. People develop cataracts in part because of ultraviolet rays from the sun. The treatment is surgery. Only one eye is normally operated on at a time.

Cataracts usually cause blurred vision that worsens over time. In addition to clouding the lens, cataracts may make it difficult to see in low-light conditions, to distinguish colors, and to see small objects. Cataracts can begin in any part of the lens, but they often develop in a cloudy gray ring near the outer edge of the lens. That is why cataracts can cause glare that affects vision during the day, but worsen vision at night.


Glaucoma is an eye disease. In the case of open-angle glaucoma, the symptoms are rarely noticed by the individual because the disease develops very slowly. It is important for people with risk factors to have regular eye exams because glaucoma can be successfully treated if detected early.

Symptoms of open-angle glaucoma may include blurred vision, eye twitching, eye irritation, the appearance of halos, or the inability to see objects at night.

When should you see an eye doctor if you are concerned about your eyesight?

If you are concerned about the appearance of your eyes, you should see your optometrist, ophthalmologist, or general practitioner.

Or If you experience the symptoms mentioned above, you should see your optometrist, ophthalmologist, or general practitioner. The symptoms of open-angle glaucoma are often noticed by others but not by the individual.

There may be some misconceptions as to the type of eye drops needed for a particular eye condition. It's important that you ask your eye doctor to help you to choose the right eye drops.

Based on your condition and under the supervision of your eye doctor, you will be able to determine which eye drops are right for you.

What does glaucoma look like?

The term Glaucoma means a group of eye diseases that causes vision loss as a result of damage to the optic nerve, a bundle of fibers that carry images from the back of the eye to the brain. The damage to the optic nerve from glaucoma is caused by a progressive increase in the eye pressure (intraocular pressure or IOP). IOP is higher in people with glaucoma because of an increased resistance to the drainage of fluid from the front portion of the eye (anterior chamber) and is also due to an increased rate of fluid production inside the eye. Normal eye pressure is around 15 to 21 mm Hg but may be as high as 30 mm Hg. The measurement of eye pressure is called a tonometry test and is done at the eye doctor’s office.

If you were to make a real world analogy, imagine the eye’s retina as the negative of a photo and the optic nerve as the positive. In order for your brain to be able to properly see the image, the positive and negative have to match up exactly. When glaucoma occurs, a build-up of pressure on the optic nerve causes a tear down effect. This causes the image to be out of focus because of the enlarged cupping on the nerve. This is what we call “cupping” ofthe optic nerve.

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