Until age 5, Jillian had undiagnosed amblyopia in the right eye. This meant that she was essentially legally blind in that eye and she should never have passed four vision screenings. After being diagnosed with amblyopia, she started treatment under the care of an ophthalmologist. We were told that the only option was to patch the good eye and force the weak one to work. She wore a patch for 11 hours a day for three years.

Vision Therapy Success Stories: Jillian

Until age 5, Jillian had undiagnosed amblyopia in the right eye. This meant that she was essentially legally blind in that eye and she should never have passed four vision screenings. After being diagnosed with amblyopia, she started treatment under the care of an ophthalmologist. We were told that the only option was to patch the good eye and force the weak one to work. She wore a patch for 11 hours a day for three years.

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Dr. Cindy Ho of Integra Eyecare Centre in Burnaby, British Columbia and Dr. Deborah Giaschi of the University of British Columbia, and their colleagues presented a poster that reported how 34 amblyopic patients aged 3-69 years old responded to treatment using Vivid Vision.

New Research on Vivid Vision

Dr. Cindy Ho of Integra Eyecare Centre in Burnaby, British Columbia and Dr. Deborah Giaschi of the University of British Columbia, and their colleagues presented a poster that reported how 34 amblyopic patients aged 3-69 years old responded to treatment using Vivid Vision.

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My doctors believed, and told me, it would be impossible for me to ever gain 3D vision.  Luckily, for me, and for patients around the world, Dr. Susan Barry challenged the old science and way of thinking.

Vision Therapy Success Stories: Miia

My doctors believed, and told me, it would be impossible for me to ever gain 3D vision. Luckily, for me, and for patients around the world, Dr. Susan Barry challenged the old science and way of thinking.

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A research group in China recently evaluated a dichoptic VR-training platform with a group of 25 intermittent exotropia (IXT) patients.  The results were incredibly favorable and found that with VR treatment, the degree of eye turn, as well as stereoacuity, improved.

New Research on Virtual Reality for Exotropia

A research group in China recently evaluated a dichoptic VR-training platform with a group of 25 intermittent exotropia (IXT) patients. The results were incredibly favorable and found that with VR treatment, the degree of eye turn, as well as stereoacuity, improved.

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My name is Jaden and I am a 22-year-old professional women

Vision Therapy Success Stories: Jaden

My name is Jaden and I am a 22-year-old professional women's motocross rider. Thanks to vision therapy, I can see 3D for the first time in my life.

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Vivid Vision April Hotfix Update

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