SIODEC is the Spanish abbreviation of the Sociedad Internacional de Optometría del Desarrollo y Comportamiento (International Society of Developmental and Behavioural Optometry), a non-profit association, made up of Optometrists who work in accordance with the Behavioural philosophy, dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of visual problems in children and adults and their relationship with the daily activities they perform.

Founded in 2008, it is registered in the Spanish National Register of Associations: Group: 1 / Section: 1 / National Number: 591748.

Over the last decade Spain has seen a significant increase in Optometrists dedicated to, or interested in, the Behavioural philosophy. SIODEC came into being in response to the need for these professionals to have somewhere to meet and for the general public to obtain information about what Behavioural and Developmental Optometry is and the work being carried out by Optometrists; as well as to provide a list of professionals and the treatments they offer.

Our associates are Optometrists who specialise in Behavioural Optometry and in the diagnosis and treatment of said problems using visual therapy and other techniques.

In order to respond to an ever-changing society such as ours, every professional must stay abreast with the latest expertise and techniques. On this basis, SIODEC imparts a series of specialisation courses and organises International Congresses, thereby guaranteeing the continuous training of its associates. Furthermore, it participates in the development of research work groups both within Spain and abroad, presenting their results in specialist magazines and at congresses.

SIODEC aims to expand and disseminate Behavioural Optometry and serve as a link with entities, associations and professional bodies by way of conferences, courses and congresses among other communication tools.

Is there an Optometrist near me?

The SIODEC website provides a tool for finding optometrists who specialize in vision therapy in Spain. Use their "Find a Behavioural Optometrist" web page to find an optometrist near you in Spain.

To learn more

Visit the SIODEC website at www.siodec.org


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