blog certified provider voices vivid vision home stevenson jones opticians vision therapy watercolor illusion chromaticity luminance color contrast logo diplopia vivid vision Vivid Vision Optometry shumaker rising star optometry rift High Resolution ben backus science advisor optometrist portrait esotropia strabismus double vision optometry lazy eye crossed eye binocular vision disorder vvp visual field result vision therapy patient amblyopia vr high resolution Vision therapy tool vision care tool vision therapy device vision treatment Vivid Vision Seevividly vision care device hypotropia vergence disorders exotropia divergence excess strabismic refractive vividly aware newsletter arvind gupta advisor sosventures software box test vision intermittent cover test childrens vision eyeglasses atropine eye drops child Optometrist France Vision Therapy Optomtriste Fonctionnel testimonial success story refractive amblyopia michigan vision therapy background backgdrop Skip Rift Setup touch controller right replacement product product shot home screenshot Pia Amblyopia Picture book Story book stereopsis 3D vision highlight strabismus surgery vision therapy doctor data page stats alan purdy unity programmer ACBO Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists James Blaha comprehensive eye exam vrvt apollo vr reading headache blurry vision trouble reading learning convergence insufficiency eye exercise Ben Backus Chief Science Officer visual fixation eye movements pencil push-up eye exercises eyes james blaha vr transformation julia research babo tuan tran patient virtual reality for strabismus manish manish gupta cto eye muscles eye patching eye anatomy eye wiki covd seminar DPVR Vivid Vision Home the verge press buzz media sun time specialist Happy Holidays viethmuller horopter brain VR vision therapy see vividly EYEBAB press release vision therapy app vision therapy ipad computer vision therapy vision and learning visual training support team blog post customer support virtual reality patient success story wired cris miranda social media marketing cris depth perception dr nate betsy yaros dpvr headset vision training Monica Fehrs VRVT Technical Specialist vivid vision provider Mackay Queensland Australia Buck and Todd Optometrist patching headaches default optical outlook Vision academy sf events NORA neurooptometry neurorehabilitation TBI concussion head injury Hardware Ken Nichols Director of Customer Support