New patch, and new wave of invites sent out!

If you've been waiting for an invite, check your inbox, because we've just sent out a huge wave of beta invitations. We'll be sending out all of the rest over the next week, so if you still haven't received one, hold tight because you should get one soon.
This patch is a big one, with lots of bug fixes that increase the stability of the game by quite a lot. We also have fixes to some of the tests and games. Full patch notes below.
Next patch will have at least one new mini game, as well as a couple of new tests.
To download the patch click here.
Please join the google group for beta testers to post bugs and help eachother find solutions to issues as you have them. Big thanks to Moneer Bandy for setting this up!
Change Log
Coming In Future Versions
- Tutorial for brick breaking game.
- Better indicators for controls.
- More powerups for both games.
- More tests.
- More games and levels.
- Bug fixes.
- More Leap integration (bring back the leap menu).
v0.714 Beta
- Fixed lots and lots of small bugs.
- Upgraded to Oculus SDK v0.4.4.
- Added more sound effects.
- Fixed an issue were the game would hang on 'Game Up To Date' on Macs.
- Fixed problems with not being able to select menu options.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes time would slow down outside the menu.
- Fixed some crashes on both Mac and Win.
- Added lots of new settings, including patching mode, manual contrast, and manual eye dominance settings.
- Increased performance of the game on lower end systems.
- Fixed an issue with the score screens in both games.
- FMade instructions clearer on many tests.
- Fixed the suppression test. It now shouldn't take as long to complete.
- Lowered the accuracy of the depth test to make it go faster.
- Increased the speed of the contrast sensitivity test.
- The tutorial now ends properly.
- Changed spawn rates of different powerups.
- Changed damage values on the weapons and upgrades.
- Added a depth choice during the game. When it pops up you have to right click or press B to choose which sphere is closer.
- Fixed a bug that was causing lag on lower end systems.
- Fixed an issue where the arena lines would sometimes not show up.